The 8 Types of Lead Gen Activities Proven to Turn Your Prospects into Clients

Lead Generation

We believe that you should build a MULTI communication channel with your audience.  Sticking to just telephone/email or social media alone just doesn’t cut it. 

A consumer is connected to a brand in multiple ways. The more methods of communication you have the better the engagement, the more the person will remember you. 

Make it easy for people to interact with you and stay connected. 

Check out our 8 favourite communication channels that could boost connectivity and engagement with your target audience. 

BUT FIRST →  do you know what your ideal customer looks like? Do you know how to spot them online? To be sure, make some time to go through the buyer persona exercise using this article here.

1. Networking

People buy from people. But you need to know people who know people who know people!

TOP TIP 1: Do not pitch to the people in the room. You want to be engaging with them, building a relationship and helping them. They may know people who might want to do business with you. For more sales tips, follow Elevici.

TOP TIP 2: Add everyone you meet at the event on LinkedIn. Make sure you stay connected. As always, engage with their posts and try to support them whenever you can.

Sticking to a regular networking schedule (even if it’s once per month) will allow you to stay connected with other business owners and keep your introductions fresh and new. 

Remember to network online too! Many networking groups moved their events to online based events in response to the Coronavirus lockdown restrictions. 

Even if you meet a person in the flesh, remember to add them later on social media too – this helps you create a multi channel connection with your new friend.

2. Community groups and Online Forums

Think about your audience in two separate pots: 1. Local 2. National. 

Many of my broker clients have chosen their geographic location as a niche.  For example, we work with an amazing business, The Chelmsford Property Blog.  They have chosen to focus on Chelmsford property investments. 

This is a great way to appeal to a local audience such as friends, family, neighbours and local businesses. 

For example in my hometown, there are many groups dedicated to the town for help and networking opportunities:

Social media channels are search engines! People do their research in these groups and ask for friends and family to endorse people they know. 

Have a look at some of the great leads and enquiries that you could find from some of the online communities that I have cherry picked to be the most effective for leads:

potential client 1
Potential client 2

How many of these types of online leads would you love to respond to?? 

By following the principles of this step, you’ll be able to find more leads like this if you are looking in the right place. 

Here’s are links to the most popular Facebook groups where I have seen the most enquiries:

3. Create Downloadable Content

Everyone loves a freebie! 

Give your prospects a reason to visit your website. If you want to do more “lead capture” by way of getting subscribers to a newsletter, then GIVE THEM A REASON TO SUBSCRIBE. 

By giving away a value added FREE service or content the viewer is more motivated to subscribe. In return you get their email address. Everyone wins! 

Have a look at my website – can you guess what the FREEBIE is?

As another example, check out can you see what FREEBIE we arranged for them?

4. Boost Your Post With Paid Advertising

Just because it’s affordable doesn’t mean you HAVE to do it, right? 

Our top tip is: only pay for a boost on the posts that are ORGANICALLY doing well already. 

For example, if you post twice a week on Facebook and you find that one post is naturally getting more engagement than the other, then boost that one! You will be able to reach a wider audience and know it will be well received.

5. Engagement

I can’t stress enough how important it is to engage with other people. We all want to receive likes and comments on your personal posts but you’ll get much more traction if you show the love rather than always try to receive it. 

By commenting, liking and engaging on your prospect’s posts, you’ll gain much more trust and build rapport faster.

6. Webinars and Going Live

This is a great way to give away lots of VALUE to viewers. It gets you noticed by notifying people online that you are LIVE on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. 

Viewers can engage with you in real time and can later watch the recorded session if they missed it.

7. Email Marketing

Sending a good old fashioned email is never a bad idea. 

Provided you make the email short, snappy and easy to read, then the reader is more likely to open it. 

When you include many layers of personalisation i.e. their name, it boosts the open rates. 

The point of sending emails to your database is so that you can circulate updates, news and VALUABLE content. I.e emailing them a new article or a free downloadable content always goes a long way. 

If you are emailing people a pitch, they’re likely to delete your message after a few seconds of reading it.

8. WhatsApp

The must use communication app!

It’s instant and intuitive. It’s a great way to stay connected to existing customers and new enquiries. 

The app allows you to share all different types of documents and images in an easy way.

You can even create groups which helps a wider audience to engage. For example you could create a group chat with all your portfolio landlords so that they too can network with one another. 

Another helpful idea is to create a family group chat for your client – i.e if you’re doing mum and dad’s pension, perhaps adding their children to a group chat to discuss intergenerational wealth might help the whole family stay on track with the conversation.

TOP TIP: Remember to link your whatsapp number to your Facebook business page. Not everyone likes to physically dial a number if they want to speak to someone. 

Sometimes people prefer instant messaging. 

By implementing these 8 multi communication channels with your clients, you’re making it easier to work with you. Your brand becomes more accessible and memorable. 

Start today! Implement 1 extra communication channel that will help you to boost connectivity with your clients.  

Before you do this, you might want to learn more about how to optimise your LinkedIn profile.

If you need more support you can contact us at 

Raising mortgage broker & IFA brands to stand out on social media, generate leads, gain camera confidence and endless content ideas.